Lumo GDL

Lumo GDL

🎮 Welcome to my game dev log. 💻


The Culmination


Reflections on Unity Game Development

The development journey of "Savage Roar" has been an odyssey of transformation. Transitioning from a web developer to a C# game developer brought new horizons to explore, and the culmination of this endeavor unveils the profound evolution that has taken place.


Beyond Boundaries: Web and Game's Symbiotic Dance

As I reflect on the journey, I realize that the boundaries between web and game development have blurred, giving rise to a seamless symbiosis. Just as a web interface is a canvas of interactions, a game environment is a tapestry of dynamic experiences. These realms, seemingly distinct, have converged in my journey, reminding me that the art of creating user engagement transcends mediums.


Lessons in Adaptability: The Power of Diverse Skills

The transition from web development to Unity game development was a testament to the power of adaptability. The principles of interactivity, responsive design, and user-centered thinking that were forged in the crucible of web development became the guiding lights in Unity's intricate landscape. It's a testament to the flexibility of skillsets and the importance of curiosity in evolution as a developer.

In conclusion, the saga of "Savage Roar" has unfolded as a testimony to the seamless amalgamation of web and game development. The web developer within me embarked on this journey, armed with creativity and an appetite for learning, and emerged as a hybrid developer — a creator capable of traversing diverse domains, crafting immersive experiences, and orchestrating captivating worlds. images/landscape