Lumo GDL

Lumo GDL

🎮 Welcome to my game dev log. 💻


Unveiling the Code Canvas


A Web Developer's Journey into C# Game Programming

As "Savage Roar" evolved, so did my understanding of game programming. From crafting web interactivity to coding complex C# scripts, this entry delves into the intricate art of breathing life into the game's mechanics and interactions.

Web and Game: Unity's Object-Oriented Paradigm

The transition from the Document Object Model (DOM) to Unity's GameObjects was a revelation. In Unity, GameObjects are the building blocks of interactivity, each akin to a div element. As I embraced Unity's object-oriented paradigm, I realized that the principles of structuring and interacting with elements were very similar to the web, yet manifested in a three-dimensional space.


AI Unveiled: From Web Interactions to Character Behaviors

While web developers often create basic interactivity with JavaScript, designing AI behavior in Unity introduced me to a realm beyond the web. Just as I crafted interactive elements on web pages, I scripted the logic that governed how characters in "Savage Roar" behaved. It was a fascinating shift from scripting web interactions to coding the intricate dance of artificial intelligence.