Lumo GDL

Lumo GDL

🎮 Welcome to my game dev log. 💻


Crafting an Immersive World:


A Web Developer's Journey into Unity's Level Design and Worldbuilding

Creating the world of "Savage Roar" was like composing an intricate symphony, with each element playing a vital role. My transition from web design to Unity's level design and worldbuilding unveiled the beauty of crafting immersive environments. images/japanese_house

From Pages to Playgrounds: Unity's Scene Management

The concepts of navigation and user flow, familiar in web design, took on a new dimension in Unity. Creating different scenes and seamlessly transitioning between them was very similar to navigating web pages. Just as I led users through engaging journeys online, I now guided players through immersive virtual landscapes, ensuring each level told a captivating story.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour
    public string startSceneName = "MainMenu";
    public string gameSceneName = "Gameplay";
    public string gameOverSceneName = "GameOver";

    private void Start()
        // Load the start scene

    public void StartGame()
        // Load the gameplay scene

    public void GameOver()
        // Load the game over scene

    private void LoadScene(string sceneName)
        // Load the specified scene

In this example, the GameManager script manages scene transitions for the "Savage Roar" RPG.

The script uses the SceneManager class to load different scenes, such as the main menu, gameplay, and game over scenes. The StartGame and GameOver methods are called when the game needs to transition to the respective scenes. The LoadScene method encapsulates the process of loading a scene by using its name as an argument.

Lighting the Way: From Web Ambiance to Game Atmosphere

Web developers understand the power of lighting and ambiance in creating the right mood. In "Savage Roar," I discovered that lighting was my brush, and Unity's lighting tools - my canvas. As I sculpted shadows and illumination, it was like weaving an atmosphere that transcended the screen, much like crafting a web interface that evokes emotion.
